Free Pokeball crochet Ornament

The holiday season is upon us. Who is ready to take their Christmas tree out of the box? I sure am. Here is a free crochet pattern to make your own pokeball ornement!!

I hope you have fun and enjoy this pattern. Happy crocheting,


red heart super saver in red

red heart super saver in white

red heart super saver in black

3mm crochet hook

tapestry needle

stitch marker


Ornament hook

Level: easy


MC: magic circle

R: round

SC: single crochet

DEC: decrease

INC: increase

Starting in red

R1: MC 6

R2: INC x6 (12)

R3: (1sc, inc) x6 (18)

R4: (2sc, inc) x6 (24)

R5-R6: 24sc (24)

change to black

R7: 24sc (24)

change to white

R8-R9: 24sc (24)

R10: (2sc, dec) x6 (18)

R11: (1sc, dec) x6 (12)

stuff the pokeball firmly

R12: dec x6 (6)

f/o close the opening and weave in the tail

Button for the pokeball

In white

R1: MC 8

change to black

R2: 8sc (8)

F/O leave a tail for sewing

Sew the button onto the pokeball.

add an ornament hook to the top of the ball.


free Pokeball Squishy crochet pattern


Pumpkin pattern